At the beginning of October Odell's Brewing Company released their India Barley Wine, the second release in a series of 750ml bombers offerings. This beer is part double IPA and part Barley wine and is both and neither at the same time. This specialty brew is both unique and complex with huge amounts of malts and hops. Don't be turned off by the little green specks floating around as they are chucks of hops leftover from fermentation and help accentuate the huge hoppy aromas. Pours a nice creamy golden color with slight greenish hue to foamy head. Aromas of malts and hops give way to dried fruit. While the palate is both sweet and bitter with strong hoppy flavors with lots of grapefruit and a touch of mango. The finish is well balanced between the bitter flavors of the double IPA and the caramelly sweetness of the barley wine.
Rating: 9.4 out of 10
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