Sunday, July 26, 2009

Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka

Tea flavored vodka, I know it almost sounds ridiculous but this flavored vodka sensation has been taking the country by storm all summer long. I was a little sceptical at first but when you actually sit down and try it this flavored vodka tastes just like a great glass of ice tea. It is not as sweet as the label may lead you to believe, unlike a lot of those southern tea brews although it is sweet enough to be refreshing. The tea flavor is genuine made with tea leaves grown just five miles from the company's distillery in Charleston, South Carolina. This stuff makes a great spiked Arnold Palmer just add 1 part sweet tea vodka to 1 part Lemonade fill with ice and garnish with a lemon. Be careful though, this stuff goes down a little to easily and will definitely get you into trouble if you don't watch it.

Rating: 8.7 out of 10

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