This years Anniversary Ale from Avery Brewing Company, located in Boulder, CO, is a
sq ale that is brewed with jasmine flowers, peaches, honey and fermented with Belgium yeast. The
saison style originated before the advent of refrigeration, Belgian brewers had to brew in autumn or winter to prevent the ale from spoiling during the storage period. After brewing, the ale was stored until the late summer harvest. Although now most commercial examples range from 5 to 8%
abv, originally
saisons were meant to be refreshing and thus had alcohol levels less than 3%. Because of the lack of potable water,
saisons would give the farm hands the hydration they needed without the threat of illness. This particular
saison has cloudy golden color with
aromas of hops, jasmine and citrus that leads into refreshing palate.
$7/22oz. bomber
Rating: 9.3 out of 10
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